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YongKang, Waste-to-energy (Incineration) plant, Tainan City


The Environmental Protection Adminisration of Executive Yuan approved construction of the YongKang Incineration Plant on November 19, 1994. On November 25, 1998 the construction project was contracted to the Da-Yin Group in association with the Steinmuller Company. Unfortunately, after nearly 4 years of construction, due to a series of financial difficulties, on July 12, 2002 the project suspended and failed to proceed. After over a year of suspension, the project was re-contracted to CPC Corporation, successfully opened for trial run on May 11, 2006, and declared completion on December 31, 2007.

No.166, Wangxing E. Rd., YongKang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Site Area
Approximately 4.95 hectares
Furnace Type
Mechanical grate
Single incinerator capacity
450 tons /day
Calorific value
2400 kcal /kg
Power generation capacity
588 MWh / day
Stack Height
Turnkey Contractor
Chinese Petroleum Corporation(CPC) Taiwan.
Design construction supervision unit
ctci Consultants Co., Ltd.
Operation and management supervision
Fichtner Pacific Engineers Inc.
Operation and management contractor
Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Co., Ltd.
Service scope
Municipal solid wastes and industrial solid wastes.
Environmental quality surveillance items
Air quality, surface water, groundwater, noise, and wastes.
Waste to energy (Thermal energy recovery)
The Plant recycles heat generated from burning refuse to generate electricity.

Incineration plant performance

01. After incinerating inflammable waste, the waste volume could be reduced as much as 90% and will then be delivered to landfill site for proper burial. This process accomplishes the following goal: waste reduction, waste stabilization, sanitization, and converting wastes into resources.

02. The heat generating from burning wastes can generate electricity through a turbine generator. (In addition to the in-plant power consumption, the excess electricity can be sold to Taiwan Power Company for energy conservation.

Location: No.166, Wangxing E. Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Contact: TEL: 06-2319266 / FAX: 06-2316388 / Last Updates: 2024-06-30
Yong Kang, Tainan, Litter Recycling (Incineration) Plant. © ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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Location: No.166, Wangxing E. Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Contact: TEL: 06-2319266 / FAX: 06-2316388
Last Updates: 2024-06-30
Yong Kang, Tainan, Litter Recycling (Incineration) Plant. © ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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